
Initial control of all forms of hyperacute eczema in all age groups, chronic hyperkeratotic eczema of the hands and feet and patches of chronic lichen simplex, chronic hyperkeratotic psoriasis of any area of the body, severe acute photosensitivity, acute contact dermatitis, hypertropic lichen planus, localized bullous disorders, keloid scarring, pretibial myxoedema, vitiligo, suppression of reactions after cryotherapy.

Dosage & Administration

Clobetasol Propionate should be applied with gentle rubbing to the affected skin areas twice daily. Once absorbed through the skin, topical corticosteroids enter pharmacokinetic pathways similarly to systemically administered corticosteroids. For acute dermatitis twice daily application may be appropriate for short periods of time e.g. 1-2 weeks, although evidence now suggests that once daily application is sufficient. Dosage should not normally exceed 50 g per week and the duration of a course should not be more than 4 weeks. The potency can further be enhanced by the use of occlusive dressing.


Avoid long-term therapy particularly in children, in whom adrenal suppression occurs readily. If Clobetasol Propionate is required for use in children, it is recommended that the treatment should be weekly reviewed. Avoid prolonged application to face because the face than other area of the body exhibits more atrophic changes with potent corticosteroids. Discontinue the use if there is spread of infection. Avoid contact with eyes. Use in Pregnancy: Clobetasol Propionate should be avoided in pregnant women. Use in Lactation: Mothers using large amounts of the drug should be aware of potential excretion in milk. Paediatric use: Clobetasol may be used in paediatric patients in appropriate doses, but large quantities for prolonged period should be avoided. It is contraindicated in children under 1 year.

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